Your Top-Line with NHSN COVID-19 Data Released

Research and Data

On Wednesday, August 12, the 2020-Q3 Top-Line for skilled nursing centers was released. For the first time, it allows facilities to compare their staff and resident COVID-19 case data to other nursing centers in their county and state. 

The publication summarizes COVID-19 case data required by CMS to be submitted to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) by nursing centers. The data released by CMS is updated every Thursday afternoon.


Center COVID-19 Data Alongside County and State Totals and Averages

The Top-Line has four tables summarizing resident and staff COVID-19 cases and deaths. Each table shows weekly incidence, as well as totals for all the available NHSN reporting periods. The image below is an example of a table on resident confirmed COVID-19 cases.


Nursing Center Cases Often Rise and Fall with the Community

Independent analyses from Kaiser Family Foundation and The Wall Street Journal, as well as our own, show that hotspot states with rising cases in the community often see cases rise among nursing centers. And the reverse is also often seen. Declining cases in the community are seen alongside declines in nursing centers.

In this edition of the Top-Line, the 7-day average of new cases in a state per 100,000 people (blue line) is trended alongside 7-day totals of new cases in nursing centers per 1,000 residents (red line). The image below is an example graph for the state of New Jersey.


COVID-19 NHSN and Other Resources

The Top-Line includes information on CMS’s and NHSN’s quality assurance (QA) process for publishing COVID-19 data. Check out NHSN’s recorded webinar or FAQs on common data entry issues. 

The Top-Line also includes links to the latest COVID-19 clinical and management resources, such as ahcancalED’s action briefs on COVID-19 prevention and control. As well as, other COVID-19 offerings on ahcancalED.

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This NHSN COVID-19 edition of Your Top-Line can be found in the third quarter of 2020 edition (2020-Q3).

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