Testimony Page Content AHCA Testimony 3/11/2025Statement for the Record: Ways & Means Subcommittee on Health “After the Hospital: Ensuring Access to Quality Post-Acute Care”9/14/2022Statement for the Record: "Flatlining Care: Why Immigrants Are Crucial to Bolstering Our Health Care Workforce"4/27/2022The Testimony of LaShuan Bethea: OSHA's Informal Rulemaking Hearing for Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings2/10/2022Statement for the Record: "Recruiting, Revitalizing & Diversifying: Examining the Health Care Workforce Shortage"3/17/2021Testimony of Dr. David Gifford | Senate Finance Committee Hearing on "A National Tragedy: COVID-19 in the Nation’s Nursing Homes"5/21/2020Statement of Record “Caring for Seniors Amid the COVID-19 Crisis”7/29/2019The Testimony of Mark Parkinson "Promoting Elder Justice: A Call for Reform"3/06/2019The Testimony of David Gifford, MD, MPH, United States Senate Committee on Finance “Not Forgotten: Protecting Americans From Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes”7/30/2014Statement of Bob Armstrong, on behalf of AHCA & NCAL, before the Senate Special Committee on Aging Hearing on “Admitted or Not? The Impact of Medicare Observation Status on Seniors” Contact Us GR@ahca.org