Diversity Executive Leadership Program

Welcome to the Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). DELP embraces​ the opportunity to shape the future of long term care leadership to improve lives.  
Our Goals:
  1. Provide individuals from under​represented groups in AHCA/NCAL—includin​g but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, and religion—access to support, and opportunities for leadership.
  2. Provide AHCA/NCAL with increased access to a diverse pool of talented, engaged members and leaders, including committee members, chairs, board members, AHCA Council of States representatives, and NCAL State Leaders.
​​In addition to underrepresented groups, DELP recognizes diversity in other areas such as geographic location and organization.​ Your unique perspective is valued.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Apply Now

​​We are thrilled to accept applications for the next two-year DELP class. DELP is a competitive application process and only fifteen s​cholars will be selected to participate in an accelerated leadership program of education, mentoring, networking, and volunteer service in the AHCA/NCAL community. ​The last day to apply is Friday, February 16, 2024. 

 ​​​During the two-year program DELP scholars will receive:
  • Complimentary registration and travel to key events for DELP scholars during the two-year program.
  • ​​​Continuing education (CE) credits for training and conference participation.
  • ​Application Deadline: February 16, 2024​

Eligibilty Requirements
  • Belong to a defined underrepresented identity group.
  • Currently employed as a mid- to senior-level or C-suite professional at an AHCA/NCAL member skilled nursing facility, assisted living community, or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/IID).
  • Possess a minimum of three years' experience in mid- to senior-level long-term care management positions or at least one year as a C-suite executive.
  • Demonstrate professional, volunteer, or civic/community leadership experience.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Program Requirements

DELP scholars will participate in a two-year leadership program from September 2024 through October 2024, to include education, networking and volunteer service with AHCA/NCAL.  Ten individuals selected to participate in the inaugural two-year program will:
  • Attend the DELP orientation to be held September 12 – 13, 2022 in Washington, DC
  • Participate in the 2022/2023 Future Leaders class to include a symposium held September 13 – 15, 2022 in Washington, DC immediately following the DELP orientation and quarterly book discussions/video conference calls
  • Attend both the 2022 and 2023 AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention and Expo and Congressional Briefing
  • Participate in the Political Ambassadors program to be held in September of 2023 in Washington, DC
  • Join and actively engage in at least one AHCA/NCAL committee
  • Attend at least one AHCA Board of Governors or NCAL Board of Directors meeting each year

 Benefits of Participation

Throughout the two-year program, AHCA/NCAL covers costs for DELP scholars, providing access to various trainings, meetings, and events, with scholars earning continuing education (CE) credits. This includes attendance at:

  • Delivering Solutions, the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention and Expo (two years)
  • Congressional Briefing (two years)
  • DELP Leadership Training and Future Leaders Symposium (first year)
  • DELP Leadership Training and Political Ambassadors Program (second year)