AHCA/NCAL Board Elections

Each year, AHCA and NCAL members in good standing may submit an application for the elections for the AHCA Board of Governors and the NCAL Board of Directors. Both AHCA and NCAL elections for the 2025/2026 year will take place at the Council of States meeting held in conjunction with the AHCA/NCAL Delivering Solutions ’25 to be held October 19 – 22 in Las Vegas, NV. The application will be available sometime in April.

Materials and Information

​​General Info​rmation & Requirements

Guidelines for Application

  • Application for the AHCA Board of Governors should be electronically submitted to Christy Herle at cherle@ahca.org.
  • Application for the NCAL Board of Directors​ should be electronically submitted to Katherine Preede at kepreede@ncal.org.
  • Application for the Association Business Member positions should be electronically submitted to Sharon Purvis at spurvis@ahca.org.
  • All answers should be typed in Times New Roman (12 font).
  • Submit forms in the original Word document, and not as a PDF.
  • Please do not bold all text.
  • Please adhere to the word count if specified in the question.​

​AHCA Board of Governors and NCAL Board of Directors Candidate Application Materials for Elections

  1. Rules Governing the Distribution of Campaign Materials​
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy and Confidentiality Certification for Board Members
  3. Code of Ethics
  4. Disclosure and Authorization
  5. Consent and Release
  6. Board Policies
  7. Candidate Request for Reconsideration​

AHCA/NCAL Governance and Election Information

  1. AHCA/NCAL Philosophy of Association Leadership
  2. Duties of Officers and Members of the Board of Governors
  3. Council of States’ Rules Governing the Organization and Conduct of Business 
  4. Council of States’ Rules Governing the Conduct of Nominations and Elections


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How much time is involved to serve on the American Health Care Association (AHCA) Board of Governors (BOG) and the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Board of Directors (BOD)?


The AHCA BOG holds an orientation in January for new members.  There are up to five face to face meetings held during the year, frequently in conjunction with other AHCA/NCAL events like Congressional Briefing and the Regional Multifacility Spring and Fall meetings.  Conference calls are held twice a month.  Many are briefing calls not requiring action.  Board members are expected/encouraged to attend AHCA/NCAL conferences.  In fact, AHCA provides complimentary registration to Board members.

AHCA BOG members typically serve as liaisons to various AHCA committees.  Those committees also hold regular conference calls and typically one to three face to face meetings.  Committee participation is not mandatory for AHCA BOG members.  AHCA BOG members are expected to attend both AHCA Council of States (COS) meetings, once during Congressional Briefing and once during Convention.


The NCAL BOD holds an orientation for new members.  There are two face to face meetings held during the year.  Conference calls are held monthly.  NCAL BOD members are expected/encouraged to attend AHCA/NCAL conferences. ​

Active participation on at least one NCAL committee is required.  Those committees also hold regular conference calls but do not hold face to face meetings.  NCAL BOD members are expected to attend the COS meetings at convention.  In addition, they are expected to attend NCAL Day, the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention, Congressional Briefing and the AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit.

What is the financial commitment?

​AHCA BOG and NCAL BOD members are reimbursed as all committee members in accordance with the AHCA/NCAL ​Travel Policy to include airfare and per diem.  AHCA BOG and NCAL BOD members receive free registration to AHCA/NCAL conferences.  Board members are also encouraged to contribute to the AHCA/NCAL Political Action Committee.

What is the application process?

​The nomination process for the AHCA and NCAL Boards opens in the spring each year – typically in March.  The deadline for applications is in May or June depending on the year.  The application and additional information is available on the AHCA/NCAL website here​.

What is the Credentialing Committee and what do they do?

​The Credentialing Committee is responsible for the certification of the AHCA BOG and the NCAL BOD.  Before the official slate of candidates is released, the Credentialing Committee reviews the applications and decides if each candidate will be certified.  The Credentialing Committee reviews the applications, conducts a criminal and education background check, checks references and reviews survey data.  Once the credentialing process is complete the slate of certified candidates is released.  Additional details may be found in the General Information and Requirements for All Candidates.

When are the AHCA/NCAL Board elections?

​Elections occur at the COS meeting held during the AHCA/NCAL Convention. 

Who elects the Board?

​AHCA BOG members are elected by the COS members. Each state appoints a primary and secondary member to the COS.  Each state gets one vote.  NCAL BOD members are elected by the NCAL BOD and the NCAL State Leaders.

How do I campaign?

Candidates for both boards use a variety of methods to campaign.  Candidates typically reach out to the state executive in their state for guidance and direction.  Examples of campaign activities include but are not limited to: phone calls and/or emails to the voting bodies; phone calls and/or emails to state executives; receptions held at AHCA/NCAL events; or token gifts and candidate literature set out prior to the COS meeting at the AHCA/NCAL Convention. 

Candidates are responsible for the organization of their campaign and any resulting costs.  AHCA/NCAL staff members are not permitted to assist with the campaigns including but not limited to the shipping or distribution of materials. ​