Encourage Congressional Visits to Long Term Care Facilities This Fall


Nothing communicates the needs of the long term care community better than a visit to a facility. Time and again, we’ve heard testimony from Members of Congress about the profound impact these tours have had on them. No one can tell our story better than the staff and residents themselves. 

With four months left in 2024, now is the perfect time to invite your Member of Congress to tour your facility or community. Although the August Congressional Recess is ending, there are still plenty of opportunities this Fall. Congress will have additional time during October for district work, especially with elections on the horizon. 

As we work towards AHCA/NCAL’s goal of 150 tours in 2024, we want to extend our gratitude to all who have already participated—you’re making a difference in Washington, D.C. 

If you have any questions about facility tours or are interested in hosting a visit, our team is here to help. Please contact Matt Smyth or Heather Posthumus​