New Regulatory Resource: QIO NHSN Support Guide

Compliance; Regulations; Quality; Programs and Resources; Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)

​​The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) program provides tools, resources​, and support to nursing home providers to help them improve the quality of healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries. This program is mandated under Sections 1152-1154 of the Social Security Act. There are 14 region-based QIN-QIOs, each serving two to six states, which allows them to share best practices and provide tailored support that considers local conditions and cultural factors. 

Each QIN-QIO may offer various resources and support options, many of which include assistance with submitting data to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). To help members understand the support available, AHCA has created a new guide outlining the assistance each QIN-QIO offers regarding NHSN. Most of the documents in this guide are accessible online to all providers, not just those in the network states. 

For questions about the AHCA QIO NHSN Support Reference Guide, please contact​